Does San Antonio Get Hurricanes?

If you are planning to visit San Antonio in the future, you may be wondering when the best weather is.  And when or if it can get really bad with a hurricane.

Does San Antonio get hurricanes?

No, it has happened but it is very rare.  It seems that the area never has to worry about hurricanes because it is located very inland. The only time it would be affected by a hurricane is if one was to form off the coast of Mexico and head north.


What About Tropical Storms?

Unfortunately, San Antonio does have to worry about those from time to time.  Once in a while, it will receive a tropical storm that will end up hitting the area with heavy rain and lots of thunderstorms.  However, since San Antonio is located further inland than most cities it does not experience as much damage as others may with a tropical storm or hurricane.

Is San Antonio In Hurricane Alley?

No, it is not. The area San Antonio is located in is called the Pecan Belt. This area experiences just as many or more hurricanes as the Pecan Belt to the north, but unlike the north, these storms only strike a few times a decade.

Has A Hurricane Ever Hit San Antonio?

Yes.  In the past 30 years or so, there have been a few hurricanes hit San Antonio.  It seems to happen every 10 years or so.  They were Hurricane Gilbert in 1988, Hurricane Madeline in 1998 and Hurricane Harvey in 2017.

When Will The Next Hurricane Hit San Antonio?

It has not been determined when the next hurricane will hit.  But it usually happens 10 years after the last one.  It was anticipated that this would be in 2023 but then it was moved to 2024. So the next one could be in 2024 or 2025.


Since San Antonio does not see hurricanes that often or at all, they are not too concerned about them becoming a threat to the area. Instead, they spend time preparing for it if it does become a threat to their city. They practice evacuating residents and getting ready for power loss and other possible damages from a hurricane once it is in the area of the city.

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