What Floor Is Safest In A Hurricane?

If you have lived in a home that has been subjected to hurricanes, you may be asking yourself, “What floor is safest in a hurricane?” A higher elevation is more likely to be protected from strong winds, but that does not mean the second floor is unaffected by the storm.


In fact, the second floor of a modern, well-constructed building is likely to remain relatively safe. If you are on a second floor, secure windows, and interior rooms and ask the building owner if they have a plan for a hurricane.

Getting to the safest floor

If you live in an apartment building, an excellent place to be during a hurricane is the basement. It will have the fewest windows, so it will be the safest place. Avoid rooms with windows, as well.

Alternatively, you may want to get to higher ground. Your basement may be flooded, but you’ll be on higher ground than the rest of your building. If you’re in an apartment, the safest floor is the first floor.

Upstairs vs downstairs

If you’re considering moving to a new home, you may wonder, “Upstairs or downstairs in a hurricane?” Well, the answer to this question depends on where you live.

Flooding is the most immediate threat from a hurricane, so it makes sense to stay on the first floor or go upstairs if possible.

However, it’s better to prepare for this possibility than to be caught unprepared. In 1928, Hurricane Andrew killed fewer people than in 2018 because of better building codes, forecasting, and preparedness.

The safest part of the house during a hurricane

When sheltering during a hurricane, stay as far away from windows as possible. The safest part of the house is usually a basement or interior closet, which is built away from exterior walls.

Once you’ve determined the safest part of the house to be in during a hurricane, gather the rest of your household supplies, including flashlights and batteries. Check your local news station for emergency updates and turn off any electricity inside your home before the storm hits.

Always go to the safest part of your house and stay in it when in doubt. The most vulnerable part of a house during a hurricane is the entryway and any openings or exterior surfaces.

Install heavier doors, secure hinges, and impact-resistant glass. In addition, garage doors can be reinforced with special braces or support kits to protect them from damage. If you cannot find the safest part of the house, consider renting or buying a hotel or other lodging in the area.

When a hurricane is coming, seek refuge in the most secure part of the house. Choose a spot where you can stay dry and out of harm’s way. In one-story homes, the safest room is typically the bathroom or walk-in closet.

If you have a two-story home, the strongest wall is often a wall near the stairwell. In a home with multiple stories, the safest part of the house may be a first-floor closet.

Safest room during a hurricane

One way to prepare for a hurricane is to have a safe room in your home. This is often mandated by law if your bedroom is not equipped with a safe space. A safe room should be well-ventilated, electrically safe, and free of any items that could fall on the floor.

Even if the safe room is not designed for this purpose, it is a good idea to remove and secure any items that can’t be removed.

The second-best place to be during a hurricane is an interior room. This room should be on the first floor and contain only one door. Make sure it is an interior room without windows or a door.

Make sure the room is equipped with a variety of supplies and entertainment. Prepare for hurricanes now, and you’ll have a safe room for many years. Just remember that preparing for a hurricane is an investment, so be sure to plan ahead to make sure you have it prepared.

Remember to stay away from windows and doors during a hurricane. While a window may be safe, a door might break, and you could wind up with a broken window.

Make sure you’re in a room far away from windows and don’t try to run outside before the all-clear signal comes. This is not only good sense, but it will save your life in the long run.

If you’re living in a hurricane zone, stay inside until the official word is sent. If possible, go to your basement or a low-level interior room. Doing this will help protect you from broken glass and other debris that might be flying around outside.

Stay tuned to local weather reports for updates during a hurricane. You may need to go to a shelter or a neighbor’s house.

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