When Is Hurricane Season In Orlando?

Who doesn’t love Orlando!  I try to get there at least every other year to check out the theme parks and enjoy the hot weather.  But, what about potential hurricanes?

When is hurricane season in Orlando?

The official hurricane season starts on June 1st and runs through November 30th. During this time, the risk of hurricanes is still very low for Orlando; but things do happen. There’s no way to know if or when a hurricane will come near Orlando; but you can prepare for it.


When I was living in the area, we had an occasional hurricane come up from the Caribbean Sea, usually around Cape Canaveral; but always ending up veering back out into the ocean.

But I’ve also had family members that experienced hurricanes in Florida, especially in Tampa Bay. The most recent was Hurricane Charley which hit 17 years ago on seven-year anniversaries.

I don’t know what it’s like to experience a hurricane, but I sure wouldn’t want to be caught without a hurricane survival kit and a plan.

Do Hurricanes Hit Orlando Florida?

Sometimes.  Orlando is actually considered one of the safest cities in Florida when it comes to hurricanes.  There’s no way of knowing when a hurricane will hit; but thankfully, there’s no reason to fear them.

If you look at the maps on NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), they usually don’t include Orlando on their list for possible hurricane hits.

So what is the probability of a hurricane hitting Orlando? Based on the information found here, it’s very small. Even with that small amount of risk, you do need to be prepared for every possibility.

Has Orlando Ever Been Evacuated For A Hurricane?

In the past, Orlando has been evacuated for a hurricane. The last time it happened was in 2004 for Hurricane Frances.

But in modern times, they do take steps to protect the city from hurricanes. Orlando generates their own energy and sends it through transmission lines along with other cities in Florida to help keep the power going during a possible storm. Also, they have a system that keeps water in Lake O when there’s a hurricane warning.

How Often Does Orlando Have Hurricanes?

According to data provided on NOAA, Orlando has had eight hurricanes hit them in the past 100 years. Most of them originate in the Caribbean Sea, especially over the Yucatan Peninsula.

A few of those hurricanes went right up along Florida’s East Coast and ended up doing some damage. The most recent was Hurricane Dorian in 2019.

Does Disney Give Refunds For Hurricanes?

Most theme parks have a list of expected or expected to arrive storms, so they can track them and determine when rides will open again.

Disney does offer a few “refundable” passes that can be used during a potential hurricane.  The pass is only valid for one day, and the money they would have made from that ticket would then go towards hurricane relief.

Does Disney Have A Hurricane Survival Kit?

Disney does not sell any official hurricane survival kits, but there are several things you can purchase independently.

Here are some things that you may want to include in your hurricane survival kit:

  • Bottled Water, non-perishable food, flashlights, candles.
  • Wind-up radio, extra batteries for your flashlight or phone, candles and matches. Also be sure to have a knife on hand in case your candles get blown out.
  • Cards and dice so you can keep each other occupied in the event of power outages.
  • Basic electronics repair kit.
  • Cash for amusement parks or hotels while they are closed. You can keep an eye on the price of gas and what you might be able to find in the way of groceries.
  • Sealed packages of batteries, canned foods, hard candies and other non-perishables to help prolong the life of your supplies. Also consider camping supplies like stoves, lanterns and blankets that don’t need electricity.


This was just a small article on when is hurricane season in Orlando. There are several other resources that can help you prepare for hurricanes. Have you ever experienced a hurricane? What did you do to prepare for it? Let us know your thoughts below!

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